2022년 추계 국제학술대회: 우수포스터상 수상자
"Poster Presentation Award 수상하신 분들 모두 축하드립니다."
A-1 Pepper drought-responsive homeobox 1, CaDRH1, plays a positive role in drought response
중앙대학교 백운희
B-4 Reduced-sensitivity strain of Erwinia amylovora against oxytetracycline losses pathogenicity by induction of PTI
강원대학교 최정호
B-23 Development of the droplet digital PCR method for the detection and quantification of Erwinia pyrifoliae
충남대학교 허린
C-27 Time-series investigation of the effect on the strawberry microbiota by Chlorella fusca CHK0059
국립경상대학교 조경준
C-40 Biocontrol potential of two Pseudomonas spp. for controlling bacterial wilt of tomato caused by Ralstonia solanacearum
충남대학교 이동훈
C-52 Development of eco-friendly seedling trays made with a combination of beneficial microorganisms and coffee grounds to cultivate agricultural crops
강원대학교 이인규
D-3 Baseline sensitivity of Alternaria mali to pydiflumetofen, a new succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor fungicide
전남대학교 정병학
E-2 Identification of viruses infecting lily in Korea by Nanopore sequencing
전남대학교 이효정
E-17 Quantitative diagnosis method of soybean seeds using multiplex real-time RT-PCR for the detection of seed-transmission viruses: soybean mosaic virus, soybean yellow mottle mosaic virus, and alfalfa mosaic virus
경북대학교 권미나
F-12 Screening of plant extracts for antifungal activity against Colletotrichum scovillei
충남대학교 자국경
G-16 Lignin-based barrier restricts pathogens to the infection site and confers resistance in plants
고려대학교 이명훈
I-13 Validation of K-Maryblyt models for blossom blight control on apple and pear trees
선문대학교 남궁경봉
I-35 Distribution of mycorrhizal spore density in host and non-host plant rhizosphere in organic vegetable cultivation soil
FnB Nature 박중곤
I-37 Effect of microalga, Chlorella fusca on the fruit quality of mini watermelon in summer season cultivation
국립농업과학원 김민정
K-8 Solanum lycopersicum receptor-like cytoplasmic kinases in subgroup IXb are targeted by Ralstonia solanacearum type III effector RipV1
서울대학교 최지현
K-23 Pathogen-induced autophagy regulates monolignol transport and lignin deposition
고려대학교 전휘성
L-5 Fungal isolation and culture based diversity from Ambrosia beetle in Far East Asia
국립생물자원관 전미진
L-22 High-throughput analysis of WD40 protein family reveals an important role as an interaction platform in Fusarium graminearum
서울대학교 최소영
N-1 Mycotoxigenic potential of fungal species isolated from fresh ginseng in Korea
국립농업과학원 최장남
P-5 Mixture of Flavobacterium dauae TCH3-2 and native soil microbiota enhances the growth of tomato plant in rhizosphere
동아대학교 김소언
Q-16 A difference in the quality of grape fruits by virus infection type for grape of ‘Shine Musket’ and ‘Campbell Early’
충청북도농업기술원 송명규
Q-17 Virus detection from seeds in Asian countries
서울대학교 유지숙
Q-43 Survey of peanut virus diseases and BCMV seed infection in Korea
국립식량과학원 권기욱
Q-64 Role of cucumber mosaic virus 2b protein in knock-down tomato (DCL like protein 2/4)
강원대학교 민경근
R-3 Stimulation of synthetic community by a beneficiary Flavobacterium dauae TCH3-2 promotes plant growth
동아대학교 김주희